Thursday, July 31, 2008

Severe Weather Updates

I'm friggen out of it. The long days are beginning to catch up to me. Only two more weeks of hell left.

Anyway, I was rewarded by those awesome storms, and pics shall be posted soon. I'm about halfway through the only really good video, and I will work on it a bit tonight and Saturday (Saturday is my first day completely "off" in over two weeks). Here's some reports for you all:

July 27th: The system that brought severe weather into my area yesterday completely annihilated the lower Northeast and Mid Atlantic states. Tons of wind and hail reports all over the place, but no tornadoes. NYC took a good pounding from these storms:


July 28th: A few stray storms around the NYS perimeter brought in some non-spectacular reports:


That's all from the last few days...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been unusually hot everywhere. The summers are getting unbearable. Liked this blog